BBX Python: Progress, Stage Two

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So without much more effort today, I'm got it running a separate script ( that is bundled into the .bar file. Again, the heart of things is trivial, just these two lines:

FILE * bbxmain = fopen("app/native/", "r");
PyRun_SimpleFile(bbxmain, "__main__");

For the record, here's the first script I wrote:

import sys, time

with open('/accounts/1000/shared/misc/bbxmain.out', 'a') as f:
    f.write('-' * 40)
    f.write(' %s\n' % time.time())
    for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
        f.write('arg %s: %s\n' % (i, arg))
    f.write("It's alive!\n")
    f.write('__name__ is %s\n' % __name__)
    f.write('myver is %s\n' % sys.myver)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Hello, world!')

And here's the output in that file in shared/misc:

---------------------------------------- 1321663133.906571
arg 0: com.example.study_poc.testDev_e_study_pocc037301d
It's alive!
__name__ is __main__
myver is BBX Python! v3.2.1 (default, Sep  1 2011, 14:08:17) [GCC 4.4.2] on qnx6

If you know Python and don't recognize sys.myver, don't worry... it's just a string built using an earlier call to PyRun_SimpleString() in my setup code from an older experiment, from sys.version and sys.platform. I've got the same thing displayed as output in the OpenGL screen context:


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